Alan November Podcast

It's finally here! The Alan November Podcast. We have created a podcast of Alan Novembers talk at The National Cathedral, so if you missed it, you can hear it here first!

Click Here to open iTunes and go to the Apple store location that it can be downloaded from for free.

It can Also be downloaded at .

The RSS Feed URL is .

Please be patient when downloading this podcast as it is quite a large download (but well worth the wait).

Enjoy! And as always, don't be shy, we love to hear your comments!

Podcasting, What is it? How can I use it in my classroom?

In the wake of Alan November's Leading Voices talk at the Cathedral, some people have asked the question " What exactly is a podcast?". Well its nothing more than an audio file (and video is possible now too) that can be downloaded to your computer, portable Digital Audio Player (DAP) or Portable Multimedia Player (PMP). These digital audio and video players don't necessarily need to be an oh so popular and trendy Apple iPod, though the name "podcast" seems to suggest compatibility with only iPods. However, the iPod and its ease of integration with iTunes, makes it very easy to subscribe to podcasts and synchronize them with your ipod with minimal user interaction.
Creating a podcast is much easier than one might think. There is some free software that we have available to use to record audio. It is about as easy as using a tape recorder. Creating a video podcast is a bit more difficult but can still be created with ease using just a video camera and some video capture/conversion software that we also have available.
I think that I can speak for the Tech Team and say that we would love to hear your ideas for creating podcasts with your kids. We are sure that they would enjoy the activity and be able to share the finished product with others.

Here are some links to podcasting sites that can give you an idea how to begin your podcasting journey. - A podcast you can listen to in your browser.

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Blogging at Beauvoir!

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